Quarter – Real Estate Vue Nuxt Js Template
Quarter is one of The Best Real Estate Responsive Vue Nuxt Js Templates built with the Bootstrap 5 framework. Every section of the template is 100% customisable according to your needs. It is supported on all modern & old browsers, tablets, and mobile devices.
Quarter – Real Estate Vue Nuxt Js Template
Quarter is a Real Estate, Architecture & interior design Bootstrap 5 HTML Template for real estate website, manage and listing a local or global directory site, real estate agency, real estate agent, real estate company, real estate company website, property listing, listing, property selling, property agency, property development, real estate developer, real estate listing, real estate construction, real estate luxury, luxury real estate, luxury property, real esate website, real estate broker, realtor, google maps, google map, world map, map, realtor agent, rental, retina ready, real estate, modern real estate, real homes, reales, residence, residence real estate, add listing, add property, agent, directory, directory listing, find houses, home finder, house finder, house rent, interior design, map search, property, property listing, village, lodge, houzez, my home, hendon, real property, real estate, real estate template, single property, single property real estate, room, portfolio, bootstrap, agency, blog, web templates, video, news, construction, sass, html, html5, directory, newsletter, website, airbnb, map, modren, apartments, apartment complex, real house, agent, single agent, corporate, property, home, house, housing, flat, modern, clean, real estate e-commerce, real estate eCommerce, e-commerce, ecommarce, e-commarce, multipurpose, fatherland, motherland evergreen, Independence day, Summer, Autumn, Winter, Spring, weddings, the best solution for a real estate shop, best fit for an E-commerce website, apartment services presentations. There are included a total of 35+ HTML5 files. This design is very creative and unique, and also very easy to customize and use.
Documentation and Support: This template comes with good documentation and support options to help you set up and customize your website effectively.
Feature List
- 11+ Different Home Page
- 30+ Inner Pages
- 05+ Header Variation
- Bootstrap v5.0.2
- RTL Version Added
- Modern design
- Free updates
- Color options
- Font options
- Font icon option
- Image background option
- Video background option
- Various header and menu options
- Offcanvas mobile menu
- Dropdown Menu
- Mega Menu
- Sticky header
- Modal popup
- Video player HTML5, YouTube and Vimeo video support
- Lightbox for images and videos
- Google Map
- Slider
- Brand Logo
- Breadcrumb banner
- Featured Product
- Product With Carousel
- Quick View
- Product Badge/Sticker
- Product Details
- Product Zoom
- Product Popup
- Select + Color Swatch Option
- Shop Grid/List View
- Collection Tab
- Pagination
- Related Product
- Blog Sidebar
- 404 Page
- Coming Soon Page
- Testimonial
- Team
- Contact Information
- Contact Form
- Valid HTML5 & CSS3
- Neat, clean and simple design
- Creative and Modern Flat Design
- Built Based on Bootstrap 4
- Already updated into Bootstrap 5
- Fully Responsive
- Cross Browser Optimization
- Well Commented HTML & CSS files
- Google Fonts
- Sass File Included
- Speed Optimized
- Working PHP AJAX Contact Form
- Documentation – Yes
- License – GPL
- Version – 1.0.0
- Layout – Responsive
- Columns – 4
- Files Included – HTML, JS, CSS, SCSS, PHP
- Well Documentation
- User Friendly Code
- Easy to customize
- W3C Validation
- SEO friendly code
- Top-notch support
Sources and Credits
- Twitter Bootstrap
- jQuery
- slick
Global Body & Headings Google Fonts
In this template, we used Google Fonts, which provides over 800+ fonts.
- Google Fonts
- Flaticon (Icons)
- Themify (Icons)
- Icofont (Icons)
All images we used in this template are from copyright-free, free-to-use sources.
- Pixabay
- picjumbo
- Freepik
- Unsplash
Product ID: 57020135
Caegory: site-templates/corporate/business
bootstrap,directory,flat,google maps,home,house,house rent,listing,property,real estate,real estate agency,real estate agent,real estate html,realtor,rental
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