Kidsa – Kindergarten & School FigmaTemplate
Kidsa-Crafted for kindergarten and preschool, child care and nursery, education and children related endeavors, kidsa is a visually impressive, creative and vibrant, well structured, feature rich and responsive FigmaTemplate. Kidsa is a perfect Template for projects that strongly focus on handling children or related to kids and their growing activities.
Kidsa can enhance: kindergarten and preschool, primary school and education related project, child care center and nursery, kids and children related web sites.
Main Features:
- 04 Awesome Home page
- Clean And Modern Design
- Bootstrap 5+ Based
- Easy to Customize
- Free Icon Fonts (Font Awesome)
- Unique Color Combination
- Well Commented Code
- Easily Customizable
- Detailed Documentation
24/7 -Hour Turnaround Support:
- Quick, Dedicated & Professional Support
- For any pre-purchase query, please use live chat on the item demo site also, email, and the item’s comment section on ThemeForest. Thanks!
What do you get?:
- Figma Files
- Documentation
Sources and Credits:
- Flaticon
- FontAwesome
- freepik
Important Note:
- Images and video are only for demo purpose and not included in the download bundle. Please submit a ticket for the assets.
Thank you
Product ID: 52272344
Caegory: ui-templates/sketch/retail/children
baby,child,course,day care,education,infant,kids,Kids Center,kindergarten,nursery,preschool,school,teacher
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