Introducing Jampack, a premium dashboard and admin template built with the Nuxt framework and Bootstrap 5.X.X. Designed to adapt seamlessly to a wide range of operational and collaborative needs, Jampack offers exceptional performance and a consistent experience across all screen sizes and modern browsers.
Jampack is powered by a robust core framework combining Nuxt, Bootstrap 5.X.X, and Sass, with clean, HTML5-validated code that ensures ease of use for developers of all skill levels. It includes three distinct layouts, over 10 feature-rich applications such as Calendar, Contacts, Email, and Chat, as well as essential starter pages like Authentication, Profile, Account Settings, Invoice, and a library of reusable components to accelerate development.
Built on the Nuxt framework, Jampack emphasizes a user-first approach, empowering developers to create fast, scalable, and visually engaging web applications. Users will enjoy an intuitive, smooth, and highly responsive experience with applications crafted using Jampack and Nuxt.
- Nuxt 3
- Composition API
- Parallel Loading
- Client-Side Routing
- Component-Based Architecture
- 10+ Conceptual Apps
- 1000+ UI Elements
- Responsive Layout
- Lots of Widgets
- Vector Google Maps
- 1500+ Icons
- Chart Options
- BootstrapVueNext Table
- Form Elements with Validation
- Multi-File Upload
- Authentication Pages
- Error Pages
- Apps Examples
- Lightbox Gallery
- Carousels
- Modal Windows
- Text Editor
- No Jquery
- Easy to Customize
- 24×7 Support
- Detailed Online Documentation
- Free Lifetime Updates
- Vue: 3.5.13 (latest)
- Nuxt: 3.14.1592 (latest)
- Pinia: 2.2.2 (for global state management)
- Bootstrap: 5.3.3 (latest)
- BootstrapVueNext: 0.24.22 (latest)
- amCharts5: 5.10.5
- ApexCharts: 4.2.0
- FullCalendar: 6.1.15
- LightGallery: 2.7.2
- Swiper: 11.1.12
- CSS3 Animations
- Multi-Browser Support
- CRM Dashboard
- Calendar
- Chat
- Chatbot
- Scrumboard
- Contacts
- File Manager
- Todo
- Blog
- Invoices
- Integrations
Authentication Pages
- Login Page (3 Options)
- Sign-Up Page (3 Options)
- Reset Password Page
- Lock Screen
- Error Page 404
- Error Page 503
Pages Kit
- Profile Page
- Account Settings
- Gallery
- Vue.js
- Nuxt 3
- Pinia
- Bootstrap
- BootstrapVueNext
- Font-Awesome
- Sweet Alert2
- Gantt
- LightGallery
- FullCalendar
- Swiper
- Wysiwyg Editor
- ApexCharts
- AmCharts
- Gmaps
- Vue Multiselect
- Vector Maps
Note: Images used are not included in download version.
Product ID: 55958251
Caegory: site-templates/admin-templates
admin dashboard,analytics,bootstrap,bootstrap 5,dashboard template,nuxt,nuxt 3,nuxt bootstrap,nuxt dashboard template,saas app,vue,vue nuxt,vuejs,web app
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