Gusto Hotel – Multipurpose
Inspired by perfection and originality, this template aims to satisfy the most demanding customers. Innovative design focused on the user experience. Make this template totally unique.
The template comes with all the basic pages for a website like: home, roms, services, elements, gallery, menu, contact and more.
Each PSD file is fully layered, named and properly grouped into different categories for easy recognization. You can easily edit the PSD file and make necessary adjustments.
- Clean design
- Active and Hover stats are included.
- Option of Parallax and without Parallax
- Build up on Bootstrap. 12 column Responsive grid (Guides are included in PSD)
- Bootstrap 1170px Grid Ready
- Unique and Modern Style
- And more…
Psd Files:
- 01_home.psd.
- 02_home.psd.
- 03_gusto_restaurant.psd.
- 04_gusto_bar.psd.
- 05_gusto_spa.psd.
- 06_gusto_activies.psd.
- 07_gusto_element.psd.
- Playfair Display
- Montserrat
- Ionicons
- Picjumbo
- Unsplash
- Graphberry
Product ID: 20063357
Caegory: ui-templates/photoshop/creative
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