Elise Ecommerce PSD Template is an awesome design idea for your online shop. Easy and intuitive shopping experience. PSD files are well organized and named accordingly so its very easy to customize and update. Total 12 PSD files have been included.
We have included best practice of web development – you can create great website layout based on Twitter Bootstrap or Grid 1170px. All PSD files are fully layered and easily customizable. Layers are well organised by grouping and named accordingly.
Template Features
- 12 layered PSD files.
- Based on 1170px grid system.
- Full width: 1920px.
- 03 homepage layout options
- CSS Menu
- Mega Menu styles
- Super Clear and Clean Layout.
- Easily customizable Photoshop files.
- Every page is fully layered and organized with proper names.
- Free Google Fonts.
- Free Font Based Icons.
- And many more
PSD Files included
- 01-01-elise-Home-fashion.psd
- 01-02-elise-Home-fashion-sidebar.psd
- 01-03-elise-Home-funiture.psd
- 02-01-elise-category.psd
- 02-02-elise-product-detail.psd
- 03-01-elise-blog.psd
- 03-02-elise-blog-detail.psd
- 04-01-elise-about.psd
- 05-01-elise-shopping-cart.psd
- 05-02-elise-checkout.psd
- 06-01-elise-contact-us.psd
- 07-megamenu.psd
2. Font used in template
- Ubuntu mono
- Poppins
You are able to download fonts at https://www.google.com/fonts
3. Font icons used
- Simple-Line-Icons https://github.com/thesabbir/simple-line-icons
- Ionicons http://ionicons.com/
- FontAwesomeIcons https://fortawesome.github.io/Font-Awesome/icons/
4. Images used
The sample images viewed in the live preview are for DEMO purposes only and are NOT included with your purchase. The download package contains placeholders.
These images are of:
- http://www.shutterstock.com
- http://vn.123rf.com/
- https://unsplash.com
Product ID: 16537148
Caegory: ui-templates/photoshop/retail
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